
ColourLibrary v2 - now with WebFonts

Nathan Hawkes
7 months ago

It's a small change, but a change nonetheless - rather than individual SVG icons, ColourLibrary now uses a custom webfont to serve icons to you.  This allows for all icons to be served as needed and makes tracking them easier.

There are also some backend changes, and a new cookie banner that is tied to the backend.  We also have our Cookies Policy, which you can read at

Added Changed Security

Version 2 of ColourLibrary has been launched!

Nathan Hawkes
7 months ago

With the new version of ColourLibrary, we've completely changed everything.  The new UI showcases all of the colours in a better light, and there are more filtering options rather than just searching for names - you can now search by first letter!

The submission form is now fully integrated with the site, rather than relying on Google Forms, and it uses CloudFlare Turnstile to help protect from SPAM.  You can submit your brands to be listed at

We've also added OneSignal push notifications, to let you know when new brands are added, or so we can notify you of scheduled maintenance or of any issues we're experiencing.

This is the biggest piece of work we've done on the site, so take your time to have a look around.  There are some other changes under the hood, but we hope you'll enjoy these ones.


Welcome to our changelog

ColourLibrary Team
7 months ago

Today we've decided to communicate more with our users, and let you know exactly what we're working on here.

Our new changelog will keep you in the loop not only about bug fixes but everything from brand new features to security updates and all things inbetween.

Stay Updated

We're looking forward to talking about all our changes, updates and improvements to our service as we move forward. We hope you'll keep an eye on our progress and let us know what you think!

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future John F. Kennedy